A lot of the bioinformatics aspects of the work that goes on at TSL will be very new to a lot of new-starters. Because we believe in your ability and want to invest in your careers and maximise our productivity, we’ve put together a great, tried and tested training programme that will help you to go from complete beginner to bioinformatics adept.
The training runs roughly 3-4 times a year (depending on intake and demand) and covers a range of topics. To date we’ve run courses on a wide-range of things including:
And more. The training programme isn’t fixed and if we get the impression that people are looking for skills in other topics we’re keen to expand the courses we provide so let us know anything you need to know. We always offer the introductory beginner courses, so if you’re new here there’s soon to be a helpful course for you soon. We have a lot of versions of our courses provided by video so you can review at any time. They’re linked from the other sections in this website.
December 3rd 2015 | TSL Intro to Bash, Python and Git | A two day introduction to essential skills for using the computer from the command-line. |
June 1st and 2nd 2016 | TSL Intro to Bash and Python | A two day introduction to essential skills for using the computer from the command-line and writing scripts. |